The Far South

Un paseo por el Amazonia

Le 11/10/11, 17:07


Finally in Rurrenabaque, I took a day to have a rest, and enjoy this really lovely, clean and well organized village (yes I couldn't think I was still in Bolivia).
I found an agency for a 3 days and 2 nights tour in the Madidi National Park (supposed to be one of the most diverse and nicest in the Amazon.
On the next day, having breakfast in my hotel, I saw suddenly come in Pascal Roucau (a guy from INSA which I haven`t seen for at least 8 years) and his girlfriend...I knew they were also doing a trip around the world and should be in latin america on theses dates...but the coincidence was still unbelievable.

I has just a short moment to talk with them since I had to start my tour on the jungle.
This time I was in a group of 5 (with a dumb young english couple, an old austrian witch and a quiet German much fun...). After a three hours boat trip we finally arrived at our lodge in the jungle...good food, and quite disapointing first walk in the forest on the afternoon, without seing interesting animals or trees..
But the jungle is really great at sunset...then it suddenly gets noiser than a busy Madrid street ! crazy cicadas, making unbelievable noises, frogs, yeller suddenly fell small and lost.
On the next day we made a bigger trek, to sleep directly in the midlle of the jungle with just hamacas and mosquitoe net...and we stopped in an incredible mirador, close to macaws nests, one of the loveliest(and surely the wildest) sights I've ever seen...on the way we also saw snakes, monkeys and many other birds and insects...on the third day, to go back to the lodge, we even made our own wooden "raft" to go downstream on the Tuichi river...nice!

This trip in the jungle was not inicially planned, but I was very happy to have done it, it was a unique experience.

[ Voir les photos : Bolivie - Rurrenabaque ]

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